One of the things we value most about Wandering Aimfully is the amazing community of creative folks we get to interact with (that’s you!)
However, because we don’t have comments on articles and we aren’t always active on social media, there isn’t a great way for you to meet or hear from your fellow creative peeps.
That’s why we decided to ask in a recent email for our subscribers to reply with the answer to a simple question: What is your biggest business/life goal in the next 6 months?
Our hope in sharing the replies we received that it does a handful of things:
- 👋 Introduces you to some other Wandering Aimfully peeps
- 👌🏻 Gives you some context on your own 6-month goals
- 🤩 Inspires you to take action in your own life
- 😎 Confirms that you’re in a community with like-minded creatives
Without further ado, we hope you enjoy reading through the goals of other community members…
My business goals for the next 6 months: Have a consistent load of 5-8 coaching clients and have booked 6 workshops (1/month – this is a stretch, but what the hell!)
– Elizabeth Treccase
My business goal for the next six months: FINISH THIS DAMN BOOK REVISION. I’ve been working on it for the last three years, through bouts of (f)unemployment and paralyzing depression (maybe you can relate), but I really believe in this book. It’s fiction, set slightly in the future, and climate change is a major plot point, so it seems especially relevant now. I’m close to done; my immediate task is setting up some consistent, achievable goals to get to the end.
– Jeff Ricker
Figure out how to incorporate my recently acquired full-stack software development skills into offerings for my clients. Now that I can build more sophisticated, data-driven, web projects, how do I put that to use? What needs can I fill for outdoor industry companies while remaining independent?
– Carrie Carter
My goal for the next 6 months is to make $20k to pay for college next year.
– Maya Sparks
The big goal in the next six months is to take the half done things and spin them up. 1. The general explanation of the things I’ve done over the past 15+ years on the internet. 2. Spinning out into a standalone product and making that something I can run marketing against to try and get that to $1K/month recurring. 3. Seeing the initial results from the domain flipping process (went live yesterday) that leverages the NameSpacery technology. If that’s a go, continuing to do flipping but also making further investment in the SaaS model. 4. Taking my ancient Udemy course on social media crisis management, updating it and spinning that up on Teachery to be its own standalone product under the old brand
– Kade Dworkin
Replace my current income from my main marketing client with income 100% from my new coaching business.
– Miles Hanson
My business goal for the next 6 months is to get my life in order. We’ve been lucky enough to see some decent growth in our business but it’s requiring extra time and attention on my end. I am in a season of life where I do not have the ability to work tons of hours like I used to (due to some family things that will not likely change for at least a year or two). I essentially need to work on efficiency, prioritization, issue capture and reflection, todo management, customer expectation management, staying in communication with customers without being resentful of them when they take advantage of access with me (so like finding ways to structure or at least facilitate customer meetings in a manner that allows them to feel like they are getting something out of it without major scope creep). In closing, I am trying to basically become a better all-around person and business person in 3/4 to 1/2 the amount of time I’m used to spending doing less of this stuff 😱. To be realistic and honest I just want to make progress on this, there obviously isn’t a finish line here, just want to chip away and grow (but its also imperative that I do get better or we are going to have some pissed off customers).
– Jeff DeBolt
I am looking to grow my YouTube channel from 19 to 1000 subscribers by September 4, 2019.
– Craig (Coach Gunny) Gunn
My goals for the next 6 months: 1. Finally release Sketchbook Scientist (so many delays!) in March. 2. Get to 500 subscribers on my newsletter (I’m currently at 100+). 3. Remain consistent with my weekly newsletter + weekly content (alternating video and blogposts). I’ve decided not to have a lot of BIG goals because I get so easily overwhelmed. I’ve noticed that I do better by focusing on small goals that I can do easily and quickly (that lead up to a bigger goal).
– Pam Llaguno
My business goal for the next six months is to provide massive value in the form of running a free group every single month and pouring into it as much value as my paid group receives. I want to reframe my business from feeling tons of pressure to sell subscriptions to feeling like I’m providing massive value to people up front and allowing a clear avenue for people who that value resonates with to transition to working with me in a daily manner instead of just once per month. I truly want to love people where they are and honor if they’re not quite ready to take the next step instead of feeling like there is something wrong with how I explained the product or service. That looks like clearing two weekends per month to sharing about this opportunity to generate leads. 1.5 weeks of giving massive value in the group (regardless of actual number of people in it) and 2 weeks of loving & serving my existing clients. I think this will help me find balance between onboarding new members, building trust, & serving those who already trust me without burning out.
– Dr. Lauren Frauenheim
In 6 months, I dream of consistently hitting 10k+ months and streamlining things behind the scenes of my business 💪🏻
– Kelly McElroy
My 6 month goal is to double my freelance income, blog consistently on a weekly basis and grow my email list by 250 subscribers.
– Jess Brown
To be settled on “enough” for our small company, so our family could make the move from driving distance from the beach to walking distance from the beach.
– Russ Cantu
Goal is to replace our current service-based income with digital product income so that we can have more freedom to create fun vlogs, a podcast, and new content for our own business instead of spending all of our time with our clients.
– Lexi Smith
Book $50K in my pipeline within the next six months with new digital products, services, and client work in a balanced and inspiring way that gives me the capacity to head off sailing for half the summer, and hiking and cycling for half the fall. You know, like a boss.
– Chantal Ireland
I’m an illustrator and designer who just switched from client work to products in January. My goal by the end of the year is to have a flea/craft market booth and also sell out of my product. So my goals for the next six months: 1. register for a market, and 2. sell 50% of my current inventory, aka 72 pieces.
– Becky P
Create content consistently + grow my monthly income to my first ‘enough’ number. That means: creating freebies, writing more content for my blog + newsletter fam, [finally] releasing my mini courses + other digital products, and also growing the ongoing services side of my business.
– Rachel Shillcock
Launch my website, consistently create content that makes me laugh, get 100 people on my email list, experience the meaning of life, & disprove the ‘many worlds’ wave/particle quantum theory (because it’s just ridiculous and I for one, believe in accountability).
– Jeremy “Thor” Smith
My goal is to use the WAIM Build without Burnout program to build a productized version of the website design services that I offer, specifically designed for artists.
– Nikki May
Get the website live and offering for sale “Mad-style toast templates” (which were originally suggested to me by a pair of creative entrepreneurs on the west coast 🤠), as well as personal consulting on wedding toasts (I will help you write for $XX offerings).
– Pete Honsberger
Business goal for next 6 months: rebrand and launch as a small team vs freelancer. Secondary goal would be to have 6 months of runway (never had even one month haha).
– Edward Danilyuk
Build up my fun business to the point where I can go down to part time at my “blah” job.
– Chloe Donile
In the next six months I want to grow as a designer and nail some UI/UX/web clients. Furthermore, I want to spend more time creating instead of consuming (which I tend to do too much nowadays). So taking action in my side job to create more, learn more, grow and find web design clients with a cool project that I can do from start to finish using my newly acquired skills (Webflow ftw).
– Mario Moris
Less time working without a dip in revenue. (Ambitious!) How? Finally diversify my income streams. I love my high-end, 1:1 offerings in my service-based business, but with a nearly 4-month old daughter, the desire to work 40-60 hour weeks has quickly weaned. I’d like to continue partnering with 1-2 awesome clients on conversion copy at a time while focusing on leveraging my thought leadership to introduce alternate income streams.
– Sara Frandina
Get out of personal debt.
– Justin Kofoed
1. Publish 300 pieces of media (100 Days of SEO). 100 videos, 100 podcast episodes, and 100 blog posts. 2. Help my course’s founding members (80 of them) become success stories with direct feedback, gather testimonials, and produce at least 3 STRONG case studies from student successes. 3. In month 6, my goal is to launch my course, SEO for the Rest of Us, again. 🙂
– Brendan Hufford
Okay, my business goal for the next month is to start to build an online product that I can sell to replace some client income. I would love to replace $1000 of client income with a product I make to help people. Based on some information gleaned from members of WAIM and people I’ve met in real life, I would love to do a course or email series on discovering and cultivating your personal style to build a wardrobe you love. This is something a ton of people seem to struggle with and I’ve done a lot of work around it to define & build my own perfect style.
– Rachel Lang
Make most of my money from a combination of writing and digital products. (Ambition, whoop whoop!)
– Amelia Eikli
Launch Lights Camera Lawsuit online course.
– Ruth Carter
My goal for the next 6 months is to start and build a podcast that sends an additional 5k unique visitors (minimum) to our site each month without any ad spend.
– Chris Scott
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