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Before we drop you off in your brand spanking new member dashboard, would you like to take the grand tour?

Wish your biz was more predictable, profitable, and peaceful?

Take our free Calm Business Bottleneck Quiz to find out if you’re a ⏳ Time Tangler, 👻 Invisible Innovator, 💸 Penny Producer, 🗣️ Misunderstood Marketer, or 💎 Meticulous Maker. Once you find out which one you are we’ll send you actionable tips to help you create more predictability, profit, and peace!

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Hey, we’re Jason and Caroline Zook. 👩🏻‍🦰 👨🏻‍🦲👋👋

We teach online creators how to build a thriving business without sacrificing their well-being in the process. That’s what we call a Calm Business—one that’s predictable, profitable, AND peaceful.

Around here we aim for enough instead of more, we dare to do things differently, and we believe business can be a tool to live a beautiful, balanced life. (Oh, AND we think an occasional fart joke is hilarious.) If it sounds like we're your people, 👆 we invite you to take the quiz above and join the party!

Jason Caroline Zook Home Page