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To Make Lasting Change Think Reinvention, Not Resolutions

Wandering Aimfully Through Intentional Living

To Make Lasting Change Think Reinvention, Not Resolutions

Resolutions are short-term fixes. And, unfortunately, they go uncompleted year after year. This cycle of incompletion dilutes the power of making resolutions, and leaves us buying into a broken system.
Jason ZookJason Zook Jason ZookJason Zook

Written by

Jason Zook

We all do it. We write a list of resolutions and 99.9% of us fail miserably at sticking to them. Trust me, I’m as guilty as the next person. But it’s time to shift our thinking.

Instead of resolutions, let’s think about reinvention.

Reinvention is a shift in thinking.

For most of us, we’ve never actively pursued reinvention. If we’ve gone through reinvention, it probably fell into our laps or was forced upon us. What if this year we chose reinvention?

Starting a new (year) is powerful. It brings energy. It brings curiosity. It has the ability to feel like a reset button for life. What if we decided not to achieve a resolution, but instead we opted to make a big change?

While I was writing my book in early 2014, my wife told me she was proud of me. At first I thought she was proud of me because I was writing a book. But then she told me that she had watched me go through a reinvention. For an entire year (before I started writing my book), it seemed that I was on a permanent vacation in Strugglesville, U.S.A. (Not a town you want to stay in too long, by the way.) She watched, and along the way helped me realign my finances, create new opportunities to make money, and address some personal issues that were holding back our relationship. There’s no doubt in my mind that I reinvented myself in 2014.

Now, does that mean I’m Jason 2.0 with a fancy new operating system and shiny new buttons? No. I’m the same t-shirt wearing, stubborn-as-hell, creativity-loving, Calvin and Hobbes-reading, entrepreneurial person. I simply reinvented myself by investing in myself (and by asking for help).

Resolutions and reinvention don’t happen on their own

You can’t wave a magic wand and make these things happen. So what does that mean? Do you have to hire a business coach? A psychiatrist? A personal trainer?

Sit down and get real with yourself:

Being healthier, happier, having better relationships, and making more money doesn’t happen overnight and in isolation.

You have to be willing to step out of your cave, past yourself, and enlist the valuable insight of other people.

You didn’t get out of shape in 30 days, and you certainly won’t get back in shape in 30 days.

Your business didn’t fail overnight, and you won’t have astounding success overnight.

You didn’t rack up a bunch of credit card debt out of nowhere, so it will take diligence and effort to get rid of debt. (Impending post about this topic!)

Whether you’re reading this at the beginning of a new year or smack-dab in the middle of summer, stop thinking resolutions and start thinking reinvention.

If you need a complete overhaul, then sit down today and make a plan to drastically alter your life. If you need a boost or a shift in thinking, reinvent a small piece of your life.

No matter which direction you need to go with reinvention, make sure you break it down into bite-size changes. Small, actionable tasks can lead to huge, victorious successes.

To Make Lasting Change Think Reinvention, Not Resolutions

(Big Fat Takeaway)

Resolutions don't work for us because they're short-term fixes. If we shift our focus to reinvention, we can start making actual change in our lives.


This article written by

Jason Zook

I'm all about that Cinnamon Roll life (that just seemed like a "cool" way to say I love baking and eating cinnamon rolls). Also, I co-run this WAIM thing as well as Teachery. Currently, 75ish% completion of Tears of the Kingdom 🧝‍♀️⚔️.

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